Who’s shopping locally this year?

Our Neighbours. Our Community. Times are hard and don’t look like they’re going to get much easier soon.I have many of friends who have their own businesses. And many of those businesses are suffering badly during this ongoing crisis. They are having to make big and...

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Domain scam – watch your wallet!

I have been registering domain names, for myself and for my clients, for over 20 years now.I have a pretty good idea which TLD's (Top Level Domains) are best for the various sites. Usually I recommend that there should be at least 2 - the dot-com and one...

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Gutenberg is here, and not everyone is enthusiastic.

WordPress released 5.0 with the new Gutenberg editor on December 6th, 2018 and I think this is the biggest change I’ve seen in my 9+ years of working with Wordpress. And it`s an interesting and fundamental change - completely revamping the editor!Now, even though...

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Warning! Is your image LEGAL?

Have you ever used Google Images to find a photo or illustration for your blog or website? Did you assume those images were free to use? If so, read this before that picture ends up costing you more than you imagined!!The Internet is full of stories (like this one) of...

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WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – Which one is for you?

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org – Which one is for you?

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from a man who wanted me to build him a website. He had already signed up with wordpress.com and wanted me to build the site there.

I tried. I really did. But after two days of struggling, I had to phone him and tell him I would have to give him his deposit back.

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It’s important to keep WordPress updated

I must admit I groan whenever I log into a client's site to get to work, only to find that several updates are required. I understand the reluctance on the part of my clients to make the updates - most don't really understand them, they can scare the heck out of you...

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From Buick to Lambo in 2 days

My computer, that’s what the title of this post is all about. You may remember my post of March 26th, about the start of my computer troubles.
I kept having glitches, data unavailable, internal error messages – I was going crazy!

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